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Moroccan Mint Tea

Several years ago, I travelled to Morocco with my family. The first afternoon, we were offered mint tea in the salon of the Palais Jamai hotel overlooking the ancient city of Fez. I loved the sweet combination of green tea, mint, and sugar. In Morocco, mint tea is offered throughout the day to family, friends, and visitors as a sign of hospitality. Therefore, I am posting a recipe for mint tea as a welcome to Alice and Waldo.

Moroccan Mint Tea

Serves 4

  • 1 ½ – 2 tablespoons Chinese gunpowder or green tea
  • A handful of fresh mint leaves
  • 6 – 12 sugar cubes, to taste

Rinse and warm the teapot with a small amount of boiling water and pour it out. Add the loose tea to the teapot with another small amount of boiling water to rinse the tea and pour it out. Add the fresh mint and sugar cubes to the teapot along with 4 cups of boiling water. Allow the tea to steep for 5 minutes. Pour the mint tea from the teapot beginning at the height of the glass slowly raising to create a bit of froth on the top of the tea.

This recipe is dedicated to Miriam and her love of Moroccan Mint Tea.

If you are looking for a small treat to offer with mint tea, you can serve a simple bowl of dates and almonds.




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